The next day, Thursday the 26th, I spent all day looking forward to playing volleyball. To those of you who know me know how odd it is that I was excited to play volleyball. I'm not athletic. I'm not coordinated. I'm really no good at sports :). And to be honest, it wasn't the game I was excited for, it was the boy. Ted. I was excited to see him. We had just had the best first date in the world and I got to spend another evening with him. Again, I stressed over what to wear. A date I can handle, but going to play volleyball? How do I look cute and chic, yet appropriate for that?
Ted picked me up that evening and we drove to the park to meet his friends. I knew a few of these guys because of the one year I went to high school. The volleyball game was just like any other volleyball game. If every other volleyball game includes throwing dirt clods at the boy you like, and flirting with him as if there was no tomorrow. I don't remember if our team did well, all I remember was laughing and laughing with Ted.
After the games were over we all went to Applebees. I came fully prepared to pay for myself. We hadn't called this a date either. He paid for me the night before, but I wasn't sure if the same would happen this time. It didn't (not that I minded). I only ordered a brownie.
What I did mind was that I couldn't read Ted at all. One night he pays for my dinner and invites me to watch a movie and then doesn't even put his arm around me? Texts me into the middle of the night to tell me how great a time he had with me, flirts with me all night at volleyball, then doesn't pay? Did he like me or not? Was he interested in me as more than a friend?
I felt like I was getting way ahead of myself. I liked him, that was a sure thing. But I couldn't gage his feelings at all. But didn't I just break things off with someone I was very serious with? Wasn't I single for the first time in about 4 years? Why was I already getting in over my head with him? Was I even ready for this? I had no idea, but every time I saw him my heart started to beat faster and my stomach did flip flops.
After Applebees we went over to TJ's house (just the three of us) and played clue. More flirting happened here as well. They each won a game....I did not. My mind was too busy trying to figure him out. I couldn't concentrate on this board game. After the game Ted drove me home. The evening ended much like the one before had. He walked me to my door, hugged me, and on the way home he and I texted each other.
He obviously was interested in me on some level...but what that level was I had no idea.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
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and then what????